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Concept by Katia - Polynesia Gradient

Concept by Katia - Polynesia Gradient

Regular price $45.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 USD
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Yarn Weight

Grosor del Hilo

2 Fine / Baby Sport

2 Fini / Deporte Bebé

Length / Longitud

721 yd (660m)

Weight (g)/ Peso (g)

200 g



56% Cotton, 22% Linen, 22% Viscose

56% Algodón, 22% Lino, 22% Viscosa

Hook / Aguja /Ganchillo

US E (3.5mm) – 7 (4.5mm)

Needle / Aguja

US 5 (3.5mm) – 57 (4.5mm)



Machine wash, dry flat, do not tumble dry.

Lavado a máquina, secar en horizontal, no usar secadora.


Polynesia Gradient by Concept by Katia is a thread with a gradient of 6 colours design and a bouclé texture formed by a strand of different thickness. It is perfect to knit shawls, blouses, tops, dresses and other spring and summer ideas. With only one ball you can make a beautiful multi-coloured shawl. Use Polynesia Gradient, a wonderful gradient version of Polynesia yarn by Concept by Katia in 6 cheerful colors. The satin effect of its viscose content makes colors shine bright, while the blend of linen and cotton provides an interesting texture. Try out Polynesia Gradient in a shawl or children’s dress with a single ball in cake format.

Polynesia Gradient by Concept by Katia es un estambre con de textura de bucles hecho con hilos de distintos grosores y teñido en un gradiente de 6 colores. El efecto satinado de la viscosa hace que los colores brillen mientras el algodón y el lino le dan su textura. Es perfecto para prendas de ropa de primavera y verano como chales, blusas, camisas y trajes para niñas y adultos, entre otros. Con un solo ovillo puedes tejer un chal multicolor.

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