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Concept by Katia - Bohemian Silk

Concept by Katia - Bohemian Silk

Regular price $42.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $42.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Color: 200- Mustard, Khaki, Orange

Yarn Weight

Grosor del Hilo

1 Super Fine / Stocking

1 Super Fino / Calcetin

Length / Longitud

541 yd (495 m)

Weight (g)/ Peso (g)

150 g



63% Cotton, 33% Silk

63% Algodón, 33 % Seda

Hook / Aguja /Ganchillo

US E (3.5mm) – G (4mm)

Needle / Aguja

US 4 (3mm) – 5 (3.5mm)



Machine wash, dry flat, do not tumble dry.

Lavado a máquina, secar en horizontal, no usar secadora.


Katia Bohemian Silk is a natural yarn made of cotton and bourette silk. These fibers are soft and ideal to knit shawls, tops, blouses, and more garments for spring and summer. Available in beautiful colors presenting a marbled tweed effect. Bohemian Silk is a delicate print yarn with a rustic effect, combining 100% natural soft cotton fiber and bourette silk. 

Katia Bohemian Silk es un estambre natural y suave compuesto de algodón y seda. Es ideal para tejer prendas de ropa para primavera y verano tales como chales, camisas, blusas y otras. Sus colores crean un efecto rústico de tweed marmoleado. 

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